Imam Ali – Wristband
£2.99Wristband with a hadith from Prophet Mohammed (s) – “Imam Ali (as) is the proof of Gods existence” Followed by “Ya Haidar” written in Arabic
Service of Hussain – Wristband
£2.99“All Greatness is Attained through the Service of Hussain”
The same written in Arabic Calligraphy:
كل الخير في باب الحسين
Ya Mahdi – Wristband
£2.99“When will we witness your return, Ya Mahdi”
including calligraphy with a line of Arabic poetry reading
“مات التصبر في انتظارك يا محيي الشريعة”
meaning “Patience has died waiting for you, O’ protector of Shariah”
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